The imbalance of micro organism in the body can lead to yeast infection, as healthy body rarely gets infected. The most suitable place for yeast to grow in the body is normally warm and wet area, such an environment allows yeast to grow and cause infection. There are good micro organisms in the body, which when disturbed; the body becomes more prone to any infection including yeast. This is a fact that 75% females are more susceptible to yeast infection, which is caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Most of the women have faced such a situation at least once in her life.

The most peculiar indications are itching, soreness and the swelling of the vaginal area. The situation worsens while having sexual intercourse with your partner. The burning sensation while urinating is another symptom. In some cases the cottage cheese shaped white milky thick discharge from the vagina has also been seen. There is a distinct difference between the symptoms of yeast infection and other vaginal infections. The diagnosis becomes easy as the symptom differs, but itching is common in both the infections. The soaps and detergents mostly contain chemicals which are really irritating to the body, douches and other vaginal creams can also cause irritation and discomfort.

It has been observed, that there is a close relation between psychological factors and yeast infections. The person who is sick is already under tremendous pressure due to weak immune system, this the time when bacteria find an opportunity to attack a person. Pain during sexual intercourse is also one of the signals about yeast infection. In such condition, it very common to have vaginitis, swelling of the vaginal area. This is the reason why there is pain when intercourse is in progress.

The most common symptom of yeast infection is a thick, pale vaginal discharge, but this discharge can be due to other reason depending upon the variation of menstrual cycle. The best observation is to see this discharge very closely, if it has a shape like cottage cheese, the infection could be due yeast. It is not uncommon to see men also suffer from yeast infection. It is always better to have a good knowledge about male yeast infection. In men the main indications are soreness at the tip of the penis, with similar problems like itching, seen in the females. With the tips, you can update your knowledge about the yeast infection, the moral is to maintain high hygiene and keep your body dry.